Pokémon Life Pokédex - Shining Magikarp

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Shining Magikarp

Battle Points: 1

Master Points: 300

Classification: Special Pokémon

Ability (Passive): If Shining Magikarp defeats an opponent in battle, you receive a Nugget. Shining Magikarp cannot evolve.

Charges: Unlimited

Evolutionary Chain: Shining Magikarp > Shining Gyarados

Capture Location: de-evolve Shining Gyarados (Johto only)

Rules and Tricks: De-evolving Shining Gyarados is a great way to increase your Master Points, but it will hurt your battling capabilities. Like all special Pokémon, Shining Magikarp cannot breed.