Pokémon Life Pokédex - Haunter

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Haunter

Battle Points: 5

Master Points: 65

Classification: Grass tile Pokémon

Ability (Active): If Haunter is ever knocked out, the opposing Pokémon will be knocked out too. This does not count as winning.

Charges: Unlimited

Evolutionary Chain: Gastly > Haunter > Gengar

Capture Location: Saffron City

Rules and Tricks: When Haunter is knocked out in a duel, you lose the duel. The fact that the opposing Pokémon is knocked out is just a side-effect. If the opposing Pokémon would evolve because it knocked out Haunter, it will (and it won't be knocked out after evolving).