Pokémon Life Pokédex - Golduck

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Golduck

Battle Points: 7

Master Points: 75

Classification: Grass tile Pokémon

Ability (Active): When using a Full Restore, you may choose to heal up to four of your Pokémon with it. Two charges. In addition, you may always use Full Restores during battle.

Charges: Two / Unlimited

Evolutionary Chain: Psyduck > Golduck

Capture Location: Evolve Psyduck

Rules and Tricks: Golduck is a great Pokémon to have when you have a lot of Full Restores. It is smart to use it to constantly revive your strongest battle Pokémon during the League. You may use Golduck's ability to heal your Pokémon when a duel starts (even if it's not your turn). The active part of Golduck's ability allows you to quickly heal many of your Pokémon when things go wrong during a Gym battle (or outside of battle).