Pokémon Life Pokédex - Exeggcute

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Exeggcute

Battle Points: 3

Master Points: 50

Classification: Grass tile Pokémon

Ability (Passive): You receive a Nugget if you release Exeggcute.

Charges: -

Evolutionary Chain: Exeggcute > Exeggutor

Capture Location: Route 10, Bicycle Bridge, Safari Zone (Kanto)

Rules and Tricks: You cannot take a Nugget instantly when you capture Exeggcute. You have to make room in your team first before you can release it to receive a Nugget.

Trivia: Exeggcute is often just called 'Nugget', because evolving Exeggcute is too difficult for what it's worth.