Pokémon Life Pokédex - Delibird

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Delibird

Battle Points: 5

Master Points: 120

Classification: Event pile Pokémon

Ability (Active): You may throw the dice for a present! The present depends on the outcome of the dice throw: 1,2 = You may heal all of your Pokémon; 3 = Miracle Stone; 4 = Defender; 5 = PlusPower; 6 = PokéBall for every player!

Charges: Three

Evolutionary Chain: Delibird

Capture Location: Event pile

Rules and Tricks: You may use Delibird's ability 3 times in a row. You may also use it during battle. Delibird is generally considered good by most players not for personal victory, but because it can increase the score of every player.