Pokémon Life Pokédex - Bellossom

Pokédex In-depth information on all Pokémon

Pokémon: Bellossom

Battle Points: 8

Master Points: 90

Classification: Grass tile Pokémon

Ability (Active): You may receive an Egg from one of your Pokémon. Legendary and Starter Pokémon cannot breed.

Charges: Two

Evolutionary Chain: Oddish > Gloom > Vileplume or Bellossom

Capture Location: Evolve Gloom (Johto only)

Rules and Tricks: When you already have a strong Pokémon on your team (like Horsea), it is very useful to breed it with Bellossom. Keep in mind that the Pokémon that hatches from an Egg is always the lowest evolutionary form. So if you for example breed a Tyranitar, the Pokémon that hatches from the egg is Larvitar. If you also have a Vileplume, received Eggs will hatch instantly!

Trivia: Bellossom is one of three methods to breed your Pokémon. The other two are the Day Care tile and the Breeder event card.