Starter Pokémon

Pichu Kanto & Johto

Ability: Instead of throwing the move dice, you may always move 3 tiles.

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Cleffa Kanto

Ability: You may rethrow the capture dice once per turn.

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Bulbasaur Kanto

Ability: Whenever the outcome of the move dice is 4 or 6, you may divide the outcome by 2.

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Charmander Kanto

Ability: Whenever the outcome of the move dice is 1 to 3 you may move one tile further, and when the outcome is 4 to 6 you may move one tile less.

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Squirtle Kanto

Ability: You may rethrow the move dice once per turn.

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Igglybuff Johto

Ability: Once per turn, you may heal up to two of your Pokémon, even during battle.

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Chikorita Johto

Ability: You may move the same amount of tiles as you did last turn. Cannot be used two turns in a row.

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Cyndaquil Johto

Ability: You may increase the outcome of the capture dice by one, once per turn.

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Totodile Johto

Ability: Instead of throwing the move dice, you may always move to the next PokéCenter or Market tile.

Pokédex Entry

Created by Emiel van Lankveld